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Creating custom toolbar buttons and dialogs in tinyMCE

The posting related to tinyMCE is receiving higher views than expected, so I will continue to write follow-up posts. This post explains how to create custom toolbar buttons and dialogs in tinyMCE.

Creating Custom Toolbar Buttons

To create a button, use the addButton function. Since buttons are typically added during the setup phase, you can set it up within the setup function. A condensed version of the example from the official documentation is as follows:

  setup: (editor) => {
    editor.ui.registry.addButton('customInsertButton', {
      text: 'My Button',
      onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(`&nbsp;<strong>It's my button!</strong>&nbsp;`)

You can define the action when the button is clicked in the onAction option of this example. Since we need to create a dialog for this post, let's first create the dialog and then connect a function to open the dialog in onAction.

Creating Custom Dialogs

In tinyMCE, dialogs are defined as objects. Quoting from the official documentation, an example would be as follows:

const dialogConfig =  {
  title: 'Pet Name Machine',
  body: {
    type: 'panel',
    items: [
        type: 'input',
        name: 'catdata',
        label: 'enter the name of a cat'
        type: 'checkbox',
        name: 'isdog',
        label: 'tick if cat is actually a dog'
  buttons: [
      type: 'cancel',
      name: 'closeButton',
      text: 'Cancel'
      type: 'submit',
      name: 'submitButton',
      text: 'Do Cat Thing',
      buttonType: 'primary'
  initialData: {
    catdata: 'initial Cat',
    isdog: false
  onSubmit: (api) => {
    const data = api.getData();
    const pet = data.isdog ? 'dog' : 'cat';

    tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, `<p>My ${pet}'s name is: <strong>${data.catdata}</strong></p>`);

For detailed information on each option such as title, body, button, initialData, and onSubmit, please refer to the official documentation link. Once you've created the dialog object, you can add a function to open the dialog in onAction as described earlier. The function to open the dialog is editor.windowManager.open.

  setup: (editor) => {
    editor.ui.registry.addButton('customInsertButton', {
      text: 'My Button',
      onAction: (_) => editor.windowManager.open({...dialogConfig})